How to use functions from another file in Node.js using module.exports

How to use functions from another file in Node.js using module.exports. Understanding Node.js Require and Exports. In Node.js, all variables, functions, classes are visible to each other only within the same file. We are able to call functions from any other file. To do this, we will use require and module.exports.

NW.js Build Executable File for Windows

NW.js Build Executable File for Windows. How to build executable file for Windows from NW.js

Generating Fake Data for your JavaScript App using Faker.js

When we create a JavaScript web application, we need to have some data to demonstrate the application in action. But what if the database is not available or do not have time to fill it manually? Marak has created a convenient tool that allows us to generate fake data quickly Faker.js

Install Cordova and Phonegap for Android Development on Windows

In this post I will tell you how to install development environment to get started with Apache Cordova and Phonegap for Android Development on Windows. I'll tell you how to install Apache Cordova, Phonegap (and the difference between Cordova and Phonegap), Java SE Development Kit, Android SDK and Android SDK Tools with Android Studio and Apache Ant.

Work with Gulp. Automate Your Routine Tasks Easily with Gulp.js

Work with Gulp. Automate and enhance your workflow. Automate Your Routine Tasks Easily with Gulp.js. In this post I'll talk about a few Gulp plugins. By the end of this post you will be able to use a gulp and gulp plugins. Learn how to configure a gulp with gulpfile.js and do your job easier and more enjoyable because you no longer need to manually perform routine tasks. Automate it!