In this article I’ll tell you about how to connect to the MongoDB using NodeJS with Mongoose and MongoDB drivers. As well as Save data and Find data in MongoDB.

For work on this post You need to install NodeJS and MongoDB

NodeJS —

MongoDB —

If You do not want to install MongoDB You can use This service provides 500 Mb of MongoDB for Free

First, we need to install all necessary packages for work. Create a package.json file

	"name": "name",
	"main": "server.js",
	"dependencies" : {
		"express": "4.13.4",
		"mongoose": "4.5.0",
		"cors": "2.7.1"

and run npm install to install packages.

Learn more about these packages you can on NPM Website

Express — Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework —

Mongoose — Mongoose is a MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment —

Cors — Middleware for dynamically or statically enabling CORS in express/connect applications —

There is also a MongoDB driver, I’ll tell you about it in this article, but I prefer to use the Mongoose because it provides the opportunity to create the database schema

After successful install packages, in project folder create server.js file and in your terminal or command prompt run MongoDB with mongod command.

Use Mongoose Driver


var express = require('express');
var cors = require('cors');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;

var app = express();

var schemaName = new Schema({
	request: String,
	time: Number
}, {
	collection: 'collectionName'

var Model = mongoose.model('Model', schemaName);

app.get('/save/:query', cors(), function(req, res) {
	var query = req.params.query;

	var savedata = new Model({
		'request': query,
		'time': Math.floor( / 1000) // Time of save the data in unix timestamp format
	}).save(function(err, result) {
		if (err) throw err;

		if(result) {

app.get('/find/:query', cors(), function(req, res) {
	var query = req.params.query;

		'request': query
	}, function(err, result) {
		if (err) throw err;
		if (result) {
		} else {
				error : 'Error'

var port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.listen(port, function() {
	console.log('Node.js listening on port ' + port);

Let’s analyze this code for details

On lines 1 — 6 we include all the necessary dependencies

var express = require('express');
var cors = require('cors');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;

var app = express();

On lines 7 — 12 create database schema

At the end of this article I will show how to use mongodb command line to access the data

var schemaName = new Schema({
	request: String,
	time: Number
}, {
	collection: 'collectionName'

On lines 14 and 15 create model and connect to MongoDB

var Model = mongoose.model('Model', schemaName);

If you decide to use mLab just replace mongodb://localhost:27017/dbName with database URL. For example:


On lines 18 — 31 is implemented a route which we will use to insert data to the database

app.get('/save/:query', cors(), function(req, res) {
	var query = req.params.query;

	var savedata = new Model({
		'request': query,
		'time': Math.floor( / 1000)
	}).save(function(err, result) {
		if (err) throw err;

		if(result) {

Here, to variable query input request /:query which then stored to a database into request key

var savedata = new Model({
	'request': query,

Then, if you save the data error has occurred, you will receive an error on the console. If all goes successful you will see the stored data in JSON format on the page.

}).save(function(err, result) {
	if (err) throw err;

	if(result) {

On lines 33 — 48 has a function find for search data in database. In request key

app.get('/find/:query', cors(), function(req, res) {
	var query = req.params.query;
		'request': query
	}, function(err, result) {
		if (err) throw err;
		if (result) {
		} else {
				error : 'Error'

As in a save function, request is recorded to query variable /:query then passed to the function find to search

	'request': query

If an error occurs when you search you will see it in the console. If all goes correctly you will get all the documents in JSON format containing the current query in request key

}, function(err, result) {
	if (err) throw err;
	if (result) {
	} else {
			error : 'Error'

Finally we create a server

var port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.listen(port, function() {
	console.log('Node.js listening on port ' + port);


To save you can just go in your browser to the following URL


where :query it’s your request for save. Example:

http://localhost:8080/save/JavaScript is Awesome



For convenient viewing of JSON in your browser, you can use JSONView Chrome Extension

For use find you can just go to the browser to the following URL


where :query it’s your request for find. Example:

http://localhost:8080/find/JavaScript is Awesome



Use MongoDB Driver

First, Install mongodb driver with npm install mongodb. And replace code in your server.js file with:

var express = require('express');
var cors = require('cors');
var mongo = require('mongodb');

var app = express();

mongo.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/dbName', function(err, db) {
	var collectionName = db.collection('collectionName');

	var saveObject = {};

	app.get('/save/:query', cors(), function(req, res) {
		var query = req.params.query;

		saveObject = {
			"request": query,
			"time": Math.floor( / 1000)

		res.send(saveObject), function(err) {
			if (err) throw err;

	app.get('/find/:query', cors(), function(req, res) {
		var query = req.params.query;

		collectionName.find({'request': query}).toArray(function (err, result) {
			if (err) throw err;




var port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.listen(port, function() {
	console.log('Node.js listening on port ' + port);

Quickly analyze that code

MongoDB Driver

var mongo = require('mongodb');

Connect and create collection

mongo.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/dbName', function(err, db) {
	var collectionName = db.collection('collectionName');




saveObject = {
	"request": query,
	"time": Math.floor( / 1000)

res.send(saveObject), function(err) {
	if (err) throw err;


collectionName.find({'request': query}).toArray(function (err, result) {
	if (err) throw err;


MongoDB Command Line Interface

Open another terminal and run the command mongo to open MongoDB CLI

MongoDB shell version: 3.2.0
connecting to: test

To see a list of existing databases, use the command show dbs

MongoDB shell version: 3.2.0
connecting to: test
\> show dbs
dbName  0.000GB
local   0.000GB

In this article, as the database name I used a dbName. To use this database, run the command use dbName

MongoDB shell version: 3.2.0
connecting to: test
\> show dbs
dbName  0.000GB
local   0.000GB
\> use dbName
switched to db dbName

Show collections with show collections

MongoDB shell version: 3.2.0
connecting to: test
\> show dbs
dbName  0.000GB
local   0.000GB
\> use dbName
switched to db dbName
\> show collections

We see that in the database dbName have a collection named collectionName which contains our data. Let’s read this data using the command db.collectionName.find().pretty()

MongoDB shell version: 3.2.0
connecting to: test
\> show dbs
dbName  0.000GB
local   0.000GB
\> use dbName
switched to db dbName
\> show collections
\> db.collectionName.find().pretty()
		"_id" : ObjectId("578abe97522ad414b8eeb55a"),
		"request" : "JavaScript is Awesome",
		"time" : 1468710551
		"_id" : ObjectId("578abe9b522ad414b8eeb55b"),
		"request" : "JavaScript is Awesome",
		"time" : 1468710555
		"_id" : ObjectId("578abea0522ad414b8eeb55c"),
		"request" : "JavaScript is Awesome",
		"time" : 1468710560


I am Mikhail Evdokimov, a Hobbyist Self Taught Programmer